Floating Heads

/There is something about painting people’s faces floating in a white background which gives me this sense of peace and cleanliness that relaxes me.

GO BIG / 2M x2M / Acrylic on board

My most recent piece of the FLOATING HEADS series is “GO BIG”.“GO BIG” is a step further, and stems from the need to grow bigger, just as the challenges of my life do. The dimensions of my paintings have become bigger,alongside me.Taking as a starting point the small paintings I used to do when I was 14 years old, now I’ve come with a much larger one, one of 2m x 2m.This painting is the expression of the security, ambition and strength that painting hasgenerated inside me. “GO BIG” is about thinking big, painting big, but most importantly, about feeling big.

/Click on the episodes to go to full videos on social media.

Nº1 “Siaxun” / 20cm x 20cm / Acrylic on board
Nº2 “Jose ” / 20cm x 20cm / Acrylic on board
Nº3 “Leo” / 20cm x 20cm / Acrylic on board
Nº4 “Manu” /20cm x 20cm Acrylic on board